What's Happening in Lowell

This is the place where you can find all of Lowell's community events. To see events happening in Lowell, view the Recent News feed on this page.

Want to advertise your event? Let us help! Our department will help our local businesses, organizations promote their special events that the community can attend. Please submit any information about an upcoming event to phasty@lowell.net . We do require a pdf flyer of your event when you submit your event information.

The Town of Lowell is growing by leaps and bounds, which means we have several events and opportunities to engage within Lowell's community. Lowell Park Department will become the information highway by placing all of that information on the Town's website for you.  Looking for something to do? Review the Recent News feed.

Ways we can assist you in marketing your next Lowell event:

  1. Post your event flyer on our website - This will include festivals, fundraisers, camps, cruise nights, carnivals. Whatever your business or organization is hosting, we want to share that information with the community.
  2. Provide space to hang event banners at Evergreen Park - Non-Profit organizations can reserve banner space to promote their events at no charge. Contact the park office to RSVP for your space. Email us a pdf of your event fly and we will add this to our website as well.