Meeting Video
The State of Indiana requires that the Town keep a video archive of Public Meetings that are recorded for ninety days.
Lowell Town Council/Redevelopment
Lowell Redevelopment/Town Council 12/23/2024
Lowell Town Council 12/09/2024
Lowell Town Council 11/25/2024
Lowell Town Council 11/12/2024
Lowell Redevelopment/Town Council 10/28/2024
Lowell Plan Commission 1/9/2025
Lowell Plan Commission 12/12/2024
Lowell Plan Commission 9/12/2024
Lowell Board of Zoning Appeals
Lowell Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners
Lowell Police Commissioners 11/26/2024
Lowell Police Commissioners 10/24/2024
Lowell Police Commissioners 9/26/2024
Freedom Trail Environmental Document Public Hearing
Joint Municipal Oversight board 2/13/2024