Improving Storm Water Quality

Residents can help alleviate storm water pollution in several ways:

  • Practice dry cleanup methods when cleaning your driveway or sidewalk. Use cat litter to soak up leaked oil, which can then be thrown away in the trash once dry.
  • Use phosphorus-free lawn fertilizers. Phosphorous runoff from lawns encourages algae growth in our lake.
  • Clean up immediately after your pets and throw the waste into the trash or in the toilet.
  • Dispose of lawn waste in compost piles and use a mulching mower.
  • Increase the amount of vegetated area in your yard. Consider directing downspouts away from paved surfaces to reduce polluted runoff.
  • Do not wash cars, RVs, or boats at home because the detergent laden water runs into storm drains and then into our waterways. Use a full or self service car wash when practical.